Garage Band Addict

Yes, I have a Garage Band Addict in the family. No, it’s not my husband, it’s my 7 year old (well, almost 8 year old)! A few months ago we broke down and got him a Mac Mini and slowly we’ve been showing him different perks of the computer. We showed him Garage Band and now he’s on it constantly, making different songs. Some not so good and some with a bit of potential. He now wants me to help him make them better. I did for a little bit and then I explained that those were his creations and that he needed to be in charge and do them on his own. He wasn’t happy with me, but oh well! Am I bad for that?

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One Response to Garage Band Addict

  1. Jessica says:

    Don’t you love having your own link?? I had it, I’ll move again in the beginning of Febuary. But I really wanted to come over and say Merry Christmas.

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