9 Layers

~ Name: LRStan
~ Birth date: September 30
~ Birthplace: Richland Hills, TX
~ Current Location: Auburn, AL
~ Eye Color: hazel
~ Hair Color: Red with natural blonde highlights
~ Height: 5′ 5″
~ Righty or Lefty: righty
~ Zodiac Sign: Libra

~ Your heritage: english/irish
~ The shoes you wore today: Clarks
~ Your weakness: chocolate
~ Your fears: roaches, death, car wrecks
~ Your perfect pizza: sausage
~ Goal you’d like to achieve: losing weight someday

~ Your most overused phrase on AIM: LOL
~ Your first waking thoughts: What day is it?
~ Your best physical feature: eyes
~ Your most missed memory: My granddad

~ Pepsi or Coke: Coke
~ McDonald’s or Burger King: Micky-Deez
~ Single or group dates: Dating? What’s that?
~ Adidas or Nike: Nike
~ Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: who cares
~ Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
~ Cappuccino or coffee: yuck

~ Smoke: YUCK!!
~ Cuss: not usuallly
~ Sing: to my boys
~ Take a shower everyday: yes
~ Do you think you’ve been in love: yes
~ Want to go to college: did that
~ Liked high school: loved it
~ Want to get married: already
~ Believe in yourself: sometimes
~ Get motion sickness: no
~ Think you’re attractive: not until I lose weight
~ Think you’re a health freak: unfortunately NOT
~ Get along with your parent(s): yes
~ Like thunderstorms: sometimes
~ Play an instrument: used to play flute

In the past month…
~ Drank alcohol: no
~ Smoked: heck NO
~ Done a drug: no
~ Made Out: yes
~ Gone on a date: married
~ Gone to the mall?: yes
~ Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: no
~ Eaten sushi: no
~ Been on stage: yes
~ Been dumped: yes
~ Gone skating: yes
~ Made homemade cookies: yes
~ Gone skinny dipping: yes
~ Dyed your hair: no
~ Stolen Anything: no

~ Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
~ If so, was it mixed company: yes
~ Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
~ Been caught “doing something”: yes
~ Been called a tease: yes
~ Gotten beaten up: no
~ Shoplifted: no
~ Changed who you were to fit in: sometimes

~ Age you hope to be married: already are
~ Numbers and Names of Children: 2 – A-man & T-baby (I don’t use real names)
~ Describe your Dream Wedding: mine
~ How do you want to die: sleeping
~ Where you want to go to college: already been
~ What do you want to be when you grow up: a good person
~ What country would you most like to visit: Australia, Spain, Ireland, England

~ Number of drugs taken illegally: none
~ Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
~ Number of CDs that I own: 600 or so?
~ Number of piercings: 2 (ears) used to have 4 (2 in each ear, but I let them grow back in)
~ Number of tattoos: 0
~ Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 10
~ Number of scars on my body: 4 or 5
~ Number of things in my past that I regret: none

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