*87/365.2011 {Assignment ISpy: Green ~ “Worm in an Apple”}

Today I was looking around for something interesting to take a picture of. I feel myself getting into a creative slump. I got a bag of gummy worms on the way back from Texas and have wanted to take a pic of them. I tried different things, none of which “did it” for me. I found one of Monkey’s wiffle balls lying on the floor and decided to incorporate the worm with the ball symbolic of a worm emerging from a green apple….yah, I don’t know either! lol


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6 Responses to *87/365.2011 {Assignment ISpy: Green ~ “Worm in an Apple”}

  1. Anita says:

    I think it works.

  2. Christi says:

    Creative use of green. Love it!

  3. alien apple – cool 🙂

  4. Susan Seaman says:

    Reminds me of the Very Hungry Caterpillar on the green leaf.

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