40 by 40 {a list}

40 Before 40...In One Year!  What do YOU want to accomplish before your next milestone birthday?

Yesterday was a big birthday for me. I’ve entered my last year in my 30’s. **cringe!** My 40th birthday is in spitting distance. ๐Ÿ™ So I decided to make a list of 40 things to accomplish this year. I plan to mark them off my list as I do them and may even write blog posts about many of them. So here they are…
1. Do something adventurous.
2. Memorize 10 bible verses.
3. Go 3 days without eating meat.
4. Ride a horse.
5. Finish making my list of recipes to make.
6. Complete a bible study with Rob.
7. Do 100 jumping jacks at one time.
8. Clean out the 2 โ€œjunkโ€ drawers in the house.
9. Donate to hair here.
10. Feed ducks
22. Go 24 hours without getting on the computer.
23. Drink a mojito in Miamiโ€™s South Beach.
24. Go on a Girls only weekend.
25. Pay it forward.
26. Host a party.
11. Send a postcard while on vacation.
12. Spread my Dad’s ashes.
13. Drink 32 oz of water everyday for at least 1 month.
14. Do something you’ve never done before.
15. Go watch LaCrosse.
16. Organize the office.
17. Drink a margarita at Margaritaville in the Keys.
18. Make something pretty.
19. Get rid of clutter (7 bags of trash in 7 days).
20. Make a list of the 100 best experiences of my life or Write a list of 101 things Iโ€™ve already achieved in this lifetime.
21. Sleep under the stars.
22. Go on 4 Mom-Son dates with Teenager.
23. Go on 4 Mom-Son dates with Monkey.
24. Go on 8 dates with Rob.
25. Watch 5 movies, you’ve never seen off this list.
26. Cook a recipe my Julia Child’s.
27. Make/Keep a bullet journal.
28. Go somewhere new.
29. Hand write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.
30. Get my readership where I make a profit on my blog.
31. Lose 25 lbs.
32. Write a blog post with silly GIFs.
33. Run/walk a 5K.
34. Make a gratitude journal for the family.
35. Do mission work.

Ok, so I have 5 left. What did I leave out? Remember I have 364 days to complete these!


I am a lover of lists… See all my lists here and some other of my top lists:
100 Things That I Dream of Doing {before I croak}
101 in 1001
Travel Bucket List

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17 Responses to 40 by 40 {a list}

  1. Jennifer says:

    What a motivating list! I only have 6 more years until I am 40! I better get busy making a list too! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Great list! I’m 35….5 years to go for me. EEEKKK! Ok. I would add to my list…jump in a pile of leaves, have a snow ball fight, go lazy rafting down the river with my sweetheart…and something healthy..100 squats a day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Jenny says:

    Great post. Although past 40, I really need to work on number 13…13. Drink 32 oz of water everyday for at least 1 month.

  4. Barbara says:

    I must be the old lady reading this…this week is my 51st birthday… I think I’ll start a list to work on before I’m 55. thanks for the motivation.

  5. Artney says:

    Great list! I’ve been wanting to do one myself. Since I’m not getting any younger, I think it’s the perfect time to start on my 40 before 40! And why is it so hard to get that water in? lol Keep it up, your list is almost complete!

  6. Nancy says:

    What a wonderful list!! Maybe you can get a star named after your little one and then go out and look at on a camping trip? ๐Ÿ™‚


  7. Chelsea says:

    These are applicable to people of all ages! Make one of those date nights an occasion where you get really dressed up for no other reason than it feels good!

    Co-Founder of Life, Love, and Coffee Stains

  8. This is a great list! I just turned 30 two days ago so I know how you feel. I did something really similar. Maybe some of mine could help with your last 5…Run at least a half marathon, Write a letter to the most important people in my world telling them how much I love them, Get a massage for the first time, Create 10 brand new from scratch recipes (no copying!), and Host at least 3 major holidays at our house.

  9. This is so cool! I have been thinking about doing a 25 by 25 list but I only have 4 months left! I need to get on that. You had some really good ideas for your list.

  10. candace says:

    Nikki’s Beach is South Beach Miami is the best place for a Mojito!


  11. Stephanie says:

    How about write X amount of letters and send them via snail mail? I love getting mail and I’m sure you have some friends/family that would love it too!

  12. I am LOVING 40! Good luck with your list!

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