33/365.2011 {Vintage Bracelet}

Antique Bracelet

I was looking around this morning for something to take a picture of. I collected a few things and this was one of the things I picked up. I’ve had this bracelet for awhile. I believe it was my great Aunt’s. Not sure I would ever wear this, but have thought about taking much of the old jewelry that I have and take the stones and jewels from them to make into something else. Has anyone ever done that before?

I liked all the different angles and different DoF, so made a collage.

Also, I added the google/blogspot thingy over on my sidebar and it’s pitiful that I’m the only person following me. Would love to see your face on there! 🙂

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7 Responses to 33/365.2011 {Vintage Bracelet}

  1. Tracy says:

    LOVE this! I like the large one you chose as well.

  2. Maria Black says:

    I like these. Very sheek? Redneck way of spelling it Ha!

  3. Candi says:

    Great shots…I would probably wear it…vintage

  4. kara says:

    Those are beautiful! I love the ones highlighting all of those pictures. Great find!

  5. Kristal says:

    Love the series – all are great

  6. Katie says:

    Very pretty! Great shots!

  7. Jenn says:

    That is a beautiful bracelet. GREAT pictures and nice collage.

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