31 Days of Must Read Cookbooks {Day 3}

31 Days Of Must Read Cookbooks

I’m taking part in the 31 days challenge this year. As a collector of great cookbooks, I decided to share 31 must read cookbooks. Some of these books will be books that are part of my collection that I have found useful through the years, while others are books I come across in the library.

The Southern Slow Cooker Bible: 365 Easy and Delicious Down-Home Recipes

The cookbook for today is one I got the other day for my birthday; The Southern Slow Cooker Bible: 365 Easy and Delicious Down-Home Recipes by Tammy Algood. My mouth was just a watering, last night as I read this book. I wanted to run in the kitchen and start making all these recipes.

Here’s the Table of Content as well as the back of the book.

The Southern Slow Cooker Bible: 365 Easy and Delicious Down-Home Recipes

Here is the typical layout for the book, however, not all pages or recipes have pictures.
The Southern Slow Cooker Bible: 365 Easy and Delicious Down-Home Recipes

There are so many recipes that have me hungry every time I pick this book up, so it’s hard to pick just one. However, the Coconut Milk Chicken is something I’m adding to my menu plan very soon.

I love this book because the recipes seem right up my ally. The exact types of things I cook or want to cook. There’s just a handful of recipes that I’m not interested in. The formatting and the pictures are very appealing to the eye. I like that Tammy includes just little bit of background for each recipe, not pages and pages of background stories.

This is a must read cookbook, because the recipes seem to be pretty easy. There’s also a wide variety of recipes. And who doesn’t love cooking in the crockpot? I mean, really!

Click here to see more from this series.

Here’s a few of my favorite 31 Days posts:

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