31 Days of Must Read Cookbooks {Day 12}

31 Days Of Must Read Cookbooks

I’m taking part in the 31 days challenge this year. As a collector of great cookbooks, I decided to share 31 must read cookbooks. Some of these books will be books that are part of my collection that I have found useful through the years, while others are books I come across in the library.

Bourbon Desserts

The library recently got this cookbook called Bourbon Desserts. At the time, I had been bouncing around the idea of picking up some bourbon for some recipes in this book.

This recipe for Watermelon Julep Pops are no doubt on my list to make next summer!

Bourbon Desserts

This Lane cake is just too precious. Never knew this was a cake of Alabama until just recently.

Bourbon Desserts

This book is a must read cookbook because it chock-full of mouthwatering dessert recipes. Who doesn’t love making desserts that has a crowd drooling, right?

Click here to see more from this series.


Here’s a few of my favorite 31 Days posts:

*affiliate links included

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One Response to 31 Days of Must Read Cookbooks {Day 12}

  1. Jennifer says:

    I will take some of the brittle on the front cover! It look so good!!

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