Monthly Archives: December 2013

December’s End of the Month Summary {2013}

This month I was happy about: Christmas! This month I was sad about: my Dad passing away. Something I accomplished this month was: being able to speak at my Dad’s memorial service, but it was all God!

Posted in Bloggin' It, Me, Myself, & I, Monthly Summary, Other Family | Tagged | 1 Comment

365.365 {It’s the Little Things}

Just walking around Dad’s house taking pictures of the little things.

Posted in 365 in 2013, Other Family, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | 1 Comment

364.365 {Dad’s Service}

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363.365 {Display for Dad’s Service}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Other Family, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Leave a comment

iPhoneography {Christmas Weekend}

Posted in Holidaze, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Leave a comment

362.365 {Break at the Park with Cousins}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Drew, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Leave a comment

361.365 {El Chico…Just for you, Dad}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Leave a comment

360.365 {1st plane ride}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Alex, Flyin', Mama Drama, My Travels, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics | Leave a comment

359.365 {Christmas Day}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Alex, Drew, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics, Tis the Season | Leave a comment

358.365 {Leaving cookies for Santa}

Posted in 365 in 2013, Alex, Photographer Chick, Pics Pics Pics, Tis the Season | Leave a comment