1/365.2011 {Sick}

For my first entry into the Mommytography 365 Project, I’ve taken a picture of a tissue box and meds. I’m really sick. Although, I went to the doc in a box yesterday, I feel even worse today. These meds don’t seem to be touching whatever it is I’ve got. Please pray I start feeling better before Monday…gotta go back to work.

Day 1 {Sick}

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3 Responses to 1/365.2011 {Sick}

  1. Kristal says:

    Hope you get better! Nothing worse than a sick Mama!
    .-= KristalĀ“s last blog ..365-2 =-.

  2. Tracy says:

    Get well soon!!!

  3. Ugh – we’re fighting stuff here too. Hope you are feeling better today!

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