Monthly Archives: April 2007

We bought a house!!

Finally! We bought a house this week. Well, we signed a contract and came to terms with the sellers. We’re set to have our closing May 15th, back to back with the sell of our house. We’re moving in the … Continue reading

Posted in Home Sweet Home, Moving, My So-Called Life | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Quiet lately…

I guess I’ve been pretty quiet here lately. You should be thanking me though, because if I was writing here every day you wouldn’t want to come back. I’m just not real happy right now. I’m upset, because we’ve had … Continue reading

Posted in Home Sweet Home, Life's a Beach, Moving, My So-Called Life | Tagged , | 4 Comments

House Timeline

Monday, March 26 – (1st day of spring break) Looked at homes for the first time. 4 homes – 2 of which we scratched off the list. 2 of which we kept on our list. During lunch at Applebee’s we … Continue reading

Posted in Home Sweet Home, I am Woman..., Life's a Beach, Me, Myself, & I, Moving, My So-Called Life, The Fab 4 | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Friday Feast #24

Appetizer When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite? Forest green Soup On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move? … Continue reading

Posted in Friday Feast, Me, Myself, & I, MeMe | Tagged | Leave a comment

So sick………

It all started Tuesday night when I went to get Drew from after school. We were on the way to the car and he threw up. He ended being sick all night. Rob stayed home with him yesterday. Last night … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Drew, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, The Fab 4 | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Prayer Request

Heather desperately needs your prayers. She just found out she has a brain tumor. No one deserves this awful diagnosis, but Heather and her family have already been through so much.

Posted in Linky Love, Prayer Request | Tagged | 1 Comment

Friday Feast #23

You can find Friday’s Feast at it’s new home here! Appetizer When you travel, which mode of transportation do you prefer? It depends. All modes of traveling are good for different reasons. Soup Have you ever met a blogging friend … Continue reading

Posted in Friday Feast, Me, Myself, & I, MeMe | Tagged | Leave a comment