*19/365.2011 {Shape Challenge: Donut}

I’ve spent much of this week keeping my eyes peeled for donut shaped objects or spots in architecture. But, when Candi posted hers it inspired me to think of other colorful donut shaped things that could be stacked and this is what I came up with.

*19/365.2011 {Shape Challenge: Donut}

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4 Responses to *19/365.2011 {Shape Challenge: Donut}

  1. Kristal says:

    Love it!
    .-= Kristal´s last blog ..365-20 =-.

  2. We had to ask a cousin to let my kids taste some of these as they hadn’t… it wasn’t a hit 😆

  3. Anita says:

    This used to be my favorite when I was a child. Love this shot.

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