16 Kids?

I just watched a “Raising 18 Children” on Discovery Health Channel. 16 children? I just can not even begin to fathom what it would be like to have such a large family. Sometimes I wonder how I manage the 2 I have. I guess the good thing for the Duggar Family is that they have a stay-at-home-mom and she home-schools them. You can read more about them here:
Jim Bob
The Duggar Family

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3 Responses to 16 Kids?

  1. Mrs. Flinger says:

    Ya. I’m thining ONE is good for now. 😛

  2. Paula says:

    Wow! My four keep me hopping. Must be a calling and an empowering, that’s what I think!

  3. Rachael says:

    Yeah, I saw it too. I think its a struggle with one. But I do have to say it looks like she has all theo lder kids help raise the younger ones. So its not like she does it all on her own. Although all those pregnancies, can you imagine?

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